You need to know that your backup generators will work during a power outage without having to visit them yourself.
OmniMetrix Innovative Monitoring Solutions for Commercial and Industrial Power Generation.
95% of generator failures can be prevented with OmniMetrix remote monitoring & control solutions.

Our team will guide your technician through the entire installation process from start to finish. Whether your team is installing your first unit or your fiftieth, you can speak directly to our USA-based technicians and engineers to make sure everything kicks off perfectly.

Our commitment to excellence means you and your team will want to take advantage of everything OmniMetrix monitors have to offer. OmniMetrix offers initial and ongoing training so that you get more than a set of tools; you’ll have the knowledge and power to get the most from them.

No matter what happens, the support team at OmniMetrix is standing with you to make sure that your hardware and software stay operational, current, and optimized. You’re not just getting an OmniMetrix monitor: You’re getting the experience and reliability of our experts.
When you’re in charge of operations, there are a lot of moving pieces to secure, including emergency power generation. In fact, almost every other piece of your business depends on reliable energy. In many cases, it’s about more than moving business forward; power failure during an emergency would mean critical losses to your organization.
Why OmniMetrix
Our Mission
With over 25 years of experience and thousands of monitored assets, OmniMetrix is the proven solution for making critical systems more reliable. Whether you are a small business or Fortune 500 company, we have you covered.
OmniMetrix offers remote monitors for power generators with the most professional and friendly service team on the market to support your business. With LTE and satellite communication options, you’ll have a monitoring solution that’s as forward-thinking as you are.

FAQs About OmniMetrix Commercial Monitoring Solutions
What brands are OmniMetrix power generator monitors compatible with?
OmniMetrix Remote Monitors are compatible with ALL brands and can monitor any generator in the commercial space. Whether your have a Generac Generator, Cummins Generator, Caterpillar (CAT), Kohler Generator or other brand of commercial power generator, our remote monitoring solutions will work for you.
How will I see information about my generator once it’s monitored?
If you like, updates will be delivered to you via text and email notifications. We also provide a convenient web-based portal for checking the current data from your generator in OmniView. OmniView is available at any time and allows you to check any data point on any of your monitored generators.
Why should I operate with cellular transmission rather than ethernet lines for my data?
Using a cellular transmission means that you can implement monitoring without running into complications with IT. Ethernet connections are still available, but are typically not ideal for most customers.
Will I have to get my own cellular plan to cover the data transmission?
No. Your data transmission on monitored generators is covered by OmniMetrix in the annual Monitoring and Managed Services fee.
What if there is no cellular coverage at my generator location?
OmniMetrix monitors can be set up to transmit from nearly anywhere on Earth with iridium satellite uplink.
What value does OmniMetrix provide after purchase and installation?
Constant data processing through OmniMetrix means that we manage the monitoring, transmission, and user interface so that you can focus on what really matters. Your monitoring will also be complemented with ongoing customer service from our dedicated, US-based support team.
What costs can I expect from remote monitoring?
To acquire your devices and keep them running, you’ll cover the hardware charge, annual monitoring fee, one-time activation, and shipping for devices. Bulk quantity is also a relevant factor to pricing. After purchase, the only ongoing cost you’ll see is your annual monitoring and any new device or parts purchases you desire. As long as you’re still actively monitoring, our customer service comes included at no additional cost.
What information do I need to provide to get a quote on remote monitors on my power generator?
The primary items we need to identify your needs are the make and model of the control panels on your generators. The control panel is where you’ll typically find the on/off key and emergency stop. If you can’t identify it the control panel, you can send us a picture.
The reason we need the control panel information is because we connect directly to your generator control panel. The alarm points and faults available for tracking are determined and vary by each control panel.
Does the age of my generator matter?
No, the age of your generator will not prevent remote monitoring. However, the age of your generator may determine exactly which data points we can retrieve from your generator with monitoring.
What data points will my monitors pull?
With all models, OmniMetrix can determine battery voltage in an analog value, running condition, and failure to run. In most cases, your monitor can also track a common alarm.
With more modern machines, OmniMetrix devices can pull up to 128 alarm points and 128 analog values via a MODBUS connection.
Does OmniMetrix provide installation services?
We’ll be a part of the installation process for your generator monitor, but we typically don’t provide actual on-site installation technicians. However, we have an extensive dealer network and can typically work with your generator service provider. In the event the installation goes beyond the service team or requires custom solutions, our Engineering Solutions team can aid in the setup and completion of your project. As a popular brand in the power generator industry, your service provider will likely be familiar with OmniMetrix product installation. Regardless of your individual situation, we will help ensure monitor installation. We offer live phone support and written installation guides for specific control panels.